Friday, August 28, 2009

Song inspired by our new-old couple

Disclaimer: Creativity and inspiration hit me in certain queer situations. This is one of those situations. Oh and that's not definite title. Cupcake, don't hate me.


Nobody knows how it happened
Nobody around you saw you stand,
Everyone is used to see you fallen
So no one else offered his hand

After you’ve wandered alone
Now I know you’ve found home

When everything around you is falling apart
And there’s no place for love in your heart
Could he be the one you’ve waited for?
‘Loving him is my favorite mistake’ you say
‘And I wouldn’t want it any other way’
Could he be the one you’ve waited for?

I see surrender, I see hope
I’ve seen the way you look at him
Like the stars hold the moon

It’s time to stop the hiding
Time for you to face the truth

When everything around you is falling apart
And there’s no place for love in your heart
Could he be the one you’ve waited for?
‘Loving him is my favorite mistake’ you say
‘And I wouldn’t want it any other way’
Could he be the one you’ve waited for?

The heart can only hold so much pain within
How many more promises will you break,
Don’t you see, you’re meant to be
There’s no way you’re fooling me
Don’t you know,
He’s found your soul.

When everything around you is falling apart
And there’s no place for love in your heart
Could he be the one you’ve waited for?

You’ve waited for…

The heart can only hold so much pain within.


By Gods, I have broken the yearly update cycle. How sad are you?

It's almost September. It's my favorite month right after January. Why? For some personal Giovanni and private Rink reasons. I better break my piggy bank because the ridiculous overspending to buy their love has to start. It sure as hell does not matter that my piggy bank looks like this:



Following months of a creativity dry spell, I've decided to finish working on the many incomplete songs I have. Well. What I really did was write an entirely new song and so far I like where it's going. No title yet. Sentiments ARE there though.

Excuse me while I complete it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Give it a World

So I guess I am trying to go for yearly updates? HAPPY EVERYTHING. Now we can stop pretending I give a damn.

Blogger had a campaign against me last night. It ate TWO entries. It knows I hate to retype so once I get inspired, I am on a roll. Summoning that roll after everything has been deleted, cool comebacks and awesome snark included, is near impossible. Blogger, you fail me.

But for you my minions, I'll do my worst. Hm. I think I need to come up with a better name for you. Minions isn't filling me with happy fuzziness anymore.

So after a very long while where I was all alone in my Twitter world, there was a big bang of sorts and Nathan, Veronique and Christian suddenly sprouted with accounts. Now there is a daily twitter war ("I HAZ DIET ISSUES ~sob~" "I fix it <3" "YOU DID WHAT?!") and I love to watch from the sidelines. All I need is some buttered up pop corn, a single misleading tweet and off they go. All hell breaks loose. I'm waiting for Delton, Delton Girl and Vasser to materialize though by then Twitter will be fried. We're on the look out. Though man, I have to refresh so fucking much that my Twitter crashes on my not-supposed-to-be-amusing-but-it-is browser. I'm using Opera. Yeah. Because I can.

Because of this highly addictive service, I've become aware of the severe blossoming of a particular friendship between a cold blooded bastard and an ADD-stricken pirate. Look at me using all my text book jargon. A few years back, when it 'started'... I had mild OMFG moment... explosion. Safe to say I felt fucking angry and like I had really paid for my mistakes then. I really thought Nathan was screwing me over and I... felt hurt. After my ego finished taking a stroll around the self-loathing park, I started to realize a few things about these people. You know, above the fact that they have abso-fucking-lutely nothing in common. These two men, both very different in attitude and upbringing, started gyrating towards each other out of nowhere. Didn't want to admit it but it's really... interesting. From a psychotic point of it. Wait, psychiatric. Always get confused.

What is it about each other that makes a friendship possible? How come they're so close (and I mean CLOSE)? Do they feed off each other? If so, what does the one have that the other lacks? What kind of love is possible if they already have a special someone (yeah BOTH)?

If I didn't know any better I'd say that they each have a wound and the band-aid is shaped like each other. Did that make sense?

Just seeing their twitters, it's obvious this ain't something normal like a blow job or one night stand. Their world, their bubble... it's big enough for two. That's it. Whoever walks in there without permission is a dead (wo)man walking.

And my computer is about to die from low battery. That's the bad thing of choosing a career that focus on the human mind, you overanalyze like a hen. I want to know. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.